Hit Your Sales Goals

Hit Your Sales Goals

Improve your financial situation by building an automated solution to investigate historical deals that make your sales more predictable.

webmobileUI/UXdevOpspaymentsfinTechJavaPythonReactMongoDBGCPSpring FrameworkJupyterRESTSOAPReact Native
IndustryFinancial Services
CooperationDedicated Team
Team Size6

About Client

A leading finance Sales Forecasting Platform powered by AI!

A fintech software that integrates with your CRM in minutes pulls in your historical data and runs through our AI, which builds a shockingly accurate baseline forecast. You then have your forecast clearly stated against your sales goals. Now, you can see any gaps in those goals, and our AI provides actions to close those gaps to goals!

Top 5CRM Integration
>37TBBigData Processing
>87%AI Accuracy
<5mTime to Start


Patrick Kellenberger

Founder & CEOTwelve0s

“Thanks to Jappware’s efforts, a lot of the top tech companies in the US are now using the platform. The team is responsive, efficient, and understanding; they give solid recommendations and never miss a deadline. Overall, they’ve met the client’s goals and created something special.”



A fintech software improves your financial forecasts and increases sales by providing the functionality of automated integration with your existing CRM systems, investigating historical deals, and building AI predictions around your existing deals.

ForecastCollaborative sales forecasting as an interactive feature enabling a gamification approach to manage deals in a pipeline.
DataProcess historical and real-time data, visualizing and building sales reports, dashboards, and finance metrics.
InsightsFinancial and AI-based analysis of every deal in the current pipeline to determine critical features that affect sales behavior.


01Find a team who understands the financial and sales business domains.
02Build a brand-new product based on a simple table-like PoC.
03Integrate with top CRM systems to gracefully fetch historical finance and sales data.
04Architect and train the financial forecasting engine to improve sales behavior.

Challenges we faced

Building a new financial software product from scratch requires a detailed requirement investigation and a further intelligent approach to architecture creation. It should be flexible enough for changes and modifications during the development process and according to the exploration of the pitfalls and new business requirements.

  • Fast and easy-customizable and fault-tolerant CRM integration algorithm
  • Big Data fetching functionality with embedded support of a graceful shutdown mechanism
  • Document-oriented data lake with high operation performance
  • Domain understanding and ML training approach to satisfy high-quality forecast results
  • Multi-tenant environment to handle data securely, supporting background data processing jobs

Our working flow

We build high-quality fintech software by providing domain expertise and building a dedicated team to grant a predictable delivery process, understand the complete business requirements, and act as a part of your team.



Discovery of the business needs and challenges


Receive and negotiate the vision and requirements


Research and hire result oriented talents on the market that fit expectations


Continuously investigate and improve the delivery process and customer satisfaction


Contribute maximum effort to bring better results than expected


UI/UX DesignThroughout the deep competitors’ analysis, we’ve learned and designed the best market User Experience and designed a User Interface according to it and best practices.
Front-end DevelopmentUsing cutting-edge technologies, we’ve implemented a robust, rapidly fast, and responsive single-page application as a web application to render data quickly and provide the same UX on different devices and browsers.
Back-end DevelopmentWe’ve prioritized data privacy and security when designing architecture and implementing the server side. As a result, we’ve built a monolithic application with a couple of ML modules to provide a high availability and fault tolerance during the data fetching solution. That respond with a minimal latency and support multi-tenancy & multi-threading environment.
DevOpsWe’ve implemented a Database cluster with custom configurations to meet our data type and read/write conditions. Also, using the CI/CD, we’ve reached great results in collaboration with multiple engineers worldwide and a simple release cycle.




Database Cluster
Well-tuned, multiple-node document-oriented database cluster.
Data Protection
Encrypted data access approach using separate environment per each integration.
API Integrations
Robust architecture to support various API integrations with high fault tolerance and data consistency mechanisms.
The flexible user interface to present any data structures.
A mix of Machine Learning and Mathematical algorithms.
Secured cloud infrastructure with continuous metrics collection, analysis, and notifications.


An entirely brand-new financial product was built to increase sales. The platform is intuitive and easy to use, with a rapidly fast approach to proceed with your CRM system integration. Innovative and informative UI/UX allows users to see their pipeline state, play with sales forecasts, and build strategic financial views on possible sales features in collaboration with colleagues. Our team acquires unique fintech expertise in sales processes, key del features, and metrics and works with different forecast and ranking algorithms.