Onboarding and collaboration solutions for firms and their customers

Onboarding and collaboration solutions for firms and their customers

Better end-to-end onboarding, all-in-one compliance, and collaboration Platform for regulated firms and their customers.

webUI/UXdevOpsBack-endJavaPythonSpring FrameworkAngularAWSMicrosoft AzureJSReportMongoDB
Industry LegalTech
CooperationDedicated Team
DurationSince 2021 and till today
Team Size6

About Client

The leading onboarding and collaboration platform for regulated firms in legal, tax, finance, and payment industries and their network of clients, customers, buyers, merchants, portfolio companies, and investors. By breaking the compromise between efficient, legal KYC compliance and exceptional digital customer experience, our customers achieve compliance much faster and at a much lower cost.

>90%More Productivity
>90%More relief for skilled workers
360°View all you clients, buyers, investors


Dirk Dorsch

CTO & Co-founderBetterCo

“We’re working together as one company, it’s a partnership, not client/vendor relationship. The team, as well as the management, understands our product, domain and needs. Developers are experienced and can work without a high effort on management from our side, so we can place even requirements with a rather ’sparse specification’ and still getting out the desired result.”



Client provides onboarding and collaboration a platform with integrated KYC and compliance processes for regulated companies and their customers to serve:

KYC and AML complianceAutomated data collection and verification, risk assessment, and regulatory compliance are easy to use inside the software.
IdentificationExternal Integrations with Identification Service Providers that enable the power and quality of KYC and AML processes.
TeamworkComfortable and understandable collaboration & housekeeping approaches in a completely secure environment.
CustomizationFlexible and fully customizable No-Code onboarding flow, branding, and collaboration process.
Plug-n-playIt is an easy-to-integrate, straightforward plug-and-play solution for form-filling by data using external systems.
IntegrationsEasy Integration with Partners’ Systems via Fast and Reliable API using the best data protection standards.


01Our Partners were in search of a visionary team capable of integrating cutting-edge solutions for legal tech, onboarding processes, and a no-code frontend business process flow builder.
02Platform needed a solution that could seamlessly accommodate new processes and features without extensive code rewriting and business logic rebuilding.
03Stakeholders required development process to be flexible and adaptable to swiftly accommodate the rapid changes in dynamic market conditions.

Challenges we faced

  • The Development Team needed to quickly grasp and understand the Legal domain (AML, KYC, etc.).
  • Design abstract and flexible user-friendly solutions for platform users.
  • The team had to adapt quickly to changing priorities and show a strong alignment with the ever-evolving project objectives.
  • Extra effort was required to provide adaptable environments for regular and tailored demos for clients with various business models.
  • The team is faced with the complex question of how to maintain a high level of quality without losing capacity because of continuous project changes.

Our working flow

Providing dedicated team services, we grant a flexible approach to structure our team, a fast and predictable hiring pipeline, a reliable and predictable delivery process, and a business requirements clarification and investigation environment.



Discovery of the business needs and current phase

Scope & Requirements

Agree on the development scope & business requirements


Compile a result-oriented team from the top talents on the market


Continuously investigate and improve the delivery process and customer satisfaction


Continuous process of result delivery with maximal transparency of the ongoing development status


Front-end DevelopmentUsing cutting-edge technologies, we’ve implemented a robust, rapidly fast, responsive web application to render data quickly and provide the same UX on different devices and browsers. We apply our knowledge to make the multi-tenancy collaboration approach work smoothly and reach fantastic performance results.
Back-end DevelopmentWe’ve prioritized data privacy and security when designing architecture and implementing the server side. As a result, we’ve built a secured application that demonstrates high availability and fault tolerance 24/7 without any downtime windows, even during the maintenance process.




Fully customized dynamic metric dashboard with an own framework.
Transforming Engine
Engine capable of transforming configurations from multiple sources into ready-to-use pages and flows.
Data Lake
Toolset to collect data from the third-party sources.
Management system
Document management system and a task management tracking system with fully automated KYC and AML processes and responsive collaboration functionalities.
We integrated a notification and an integration framework. The system could fetch data from multiple sources and provide a fast, fault-tolerant API for 3rd parties.
Implemented localization and multi-language support.
Legal Platform
Person identification services and document signing capabilities, including OCR for ID documents and registry documents.


Jappware’s innovative solutions have revolutionized bureaucratic processes with intuitive usability, integration with public data sources, and collaborative access. The developed platform ensures everyone can access up-to-date data, collaborate with identical document versions, work with multiple tasks, and result in substantial cost savings of up to 90% in KYC processes. The onboarding process has become more straightforward and more understandable for many businesses and their customers, together with a compliance approach that saves time and money and increases turnover.